Fighting words on Wednesday.

    The pork eating Pigmy dwellers of Badasstan were of no particular calling,. In the main, they were a bunch of mischievous itinerant workers who invaded the adjoining Stans during the fruit picking season. there was little pride in their Glum attitude towards their neighbours, the Kazackastans and the other half dozen Stan's who surrounded them. only their cheap labour saved them from being put to the sword.
     Most Badasstans led a short charmed life, there was nothing glossy about their existence, most villages built toilet trenches dug around their movable homes.
   However, due to the drunken infighting and general bedlam at the end of the  fruit picking season, death became a frequent visitor
    In the early morning the results of the previous evening not only the night soil but departed souls
 would join the daily trash, the stench from the trench made one scarper in fear, Not even a penny whistle dirge to say goodbye to the recently departed.

Vest Daily Gaggle...


Anonymous said…
Loved the bit about whatever it was. Not to mention the whatchamacallit.
Sharon said…
Interesting, I can almost smell the morning after.
Vest said…
Anon, or should I say Chris, Your IP is showing.
Vest said…
Sharon. The smell never goes away especially in Bad ass Stan. hardly full of eastern promise. thanks for calling.
A tough existence for sure. I have a bad smell in my nose now lol.
Short and brutal lives. Which has been true in rather a lot of the world forever.
Jimmy said…
Nicely done Vest, like Sharon mentioned the stench that you describe is almost real and one that will remain.
Redhead. said…
Anon. You have a Badass Attitude.
Vest said…
Only slightly confused. The problems of Most Bad Ass Nations are of their own making.
Vest said…
E C. Departing this world early in Bad Ass Land is of their own making.
Vest said…
Jimmy. The Badass land motto is "the land of "Bells Wells and Smells"
Vest said…
Red Head. Verily it doth seem that Anon has met his MATCH. Strike a light, Redhead Matches.
Lee said…
Your mind works in mysterious, wondrous and interesting ways, Vest. Very good! :)
Vest said…
LEE. You are so kind to me with your replies. I am tempted to believe them. your diplomacy needs no bettering.Thank you.
Cindi said…
such a descriptive use of the words! excellent!
Vest said…
Thank you, Cindy. I am touched by your kindness.
River said…
An interesting use of the words.
Like Cindi said, very descriptive.

I don't think I would like to visit one of those villages though.
Vest said…
River. There are possibly many obscure communities living in wild and primitive circumstances we in the modern world have yet to discover. yes, I agree I would in no way wish to come within contact with such unearthly creatures, Thank you for calling.

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