Words on Wednesday.
The prompt this week to use in this story will be the sentence, Back to the drawing board. These are troubled times. We have a strike of water workers. this is an addition to my own personal waterworks problems I have been worrying if the water would dry up in the taps. I have even laid on a stock of top quality Aldi brand Perrier water in case we have to dig a well to provide washing water, I hope the situation does not get any worse. Then there are the interminable * Back to the drawing board talks over the limitations or even reduction of Nuclear weapons. the outcome of these talks is easy to surmise; they will end up with all the nuclear powers possessing more nuclear weapons than they did when the talks started. Once I would have worried about this also. Now I look forward to drinking the Perrier water even if the water talks succeed To speak the truth, not an invariable practice with me, I...