No Wednesday Words this week.

     Most of my blogging time has been devoured by the weekly shopping expedition, doctors appointments - work around the house and family business. and nodding off with exhaustion during the day.
 I went to bed last night at 1145 PM, and I was up again at 6 45AM about an hour ago as I write. Not having slept a wink all night.  Both moggies and I have had breakfast and shortly I shall shower and then prepare Dinner, There on I shall probably nod off for a while and hopefully feel tired at the proper time tonight. At this point in time, I am not thinking too clearly.

Back soon Vest.


This getting old thing isn't what it's cracked up to be is it? Take care. Hopefully you can join us next week.
Lee said…
Relax, rest, sleep and just take things easy, Vest. Make no excuses...give no excuses to anyone...just look after yourself, and the moggies. :)

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