I am sorry to say this blog will soon have its final post, this post may be my last. I would like to say "Thank You" to all of you nice people with whom I have been in blog contact over the past sixteen years. Unfortunately, my health issues have become worse over the past two weeks, my mobility is at its lowest point; and I become dizzy after a couple of paces, I am using oxygen permanently. It feels like I am falling apart; I have Kidney - Heart - Lung and Bladder problems, plus many other add ons to stir the mix. I am still living? at home, where I have a comfortable environment and the necessary assistance,. I do not sleep well; probably due to loss of body activity. My eldest son Christopher will be the person to inform you of my final time on earth. I need to lay down for a while right now. My best wishes to you all. Vest Daily Gaggle, AKA. Leslie John Bowyer.
(microsoft (hotmail) denied me some replies to "the Daily Gaggle" - dunno why -
Which sort of prompted my somewhat cynical pome re
"Words for Wednesday" ... meh
Words for Wednesday wander from World to world,
One wonders where words came from,
or wiggle their way into
the wonderful electronic Wondersphere,
willingly controlled and willingly allowed
By woeful, wankers, who -
Kowtow and dip,
To the Great God
Silicon Chip.
On the other hand, am in good cheer, read your emails and Hope that you are well.
David Hursthouse