
Showing posts from June, 2019

Words for Wednesday.

Welcome. Expecting. Trigger. Essential.  Taller. Moving. A friend passing by during the evening told us he was in town. It was *essential we remained Alert, We had been *expecting the un-*welcome *trigger happy guy to call on us after his release from prison.  Much* taller  than most men, his head was *moving above the bushes when I popped up my hat with the Floor mop above the window sill, It was then he was exposed when he fired and received  my calling card, "Gotcha." Vest Daily Gaggle.

While waiting for words this week to appear. a family member provided me with six to play along with.

ROAR. POLICE. FAT. MOOR.FLASHED. LEAN.       The Lightning Flashed and the Thunder  Clashed and loud the Police did roar, chasing two bedraggled  criminals across the foggy Moor        One was a lean and lanky man whose face spelt pimples and failure,, The other man a big fat guy. who had a couple of wives in Australia. I did not sleep to well last night, Up early and I have prepared Dinner for today had breakfast and fed the moggies. and I am now waiting for words to appear on Elephants child Blog. Vest Daily Gaggle.

Words for Wednesday

Words this week are replaced by a picture of a river with what looks like a net draped from bank to bank. Below is my explanation. The top picture is that of a net across the river ooze a tributary of the Rhine in Belgium Where a twelve-year-old boy named Russel was fishing recently and caught a strange unidentified green Coloured fish. the fish has had people worldwide flummoxed as nothing like it has been caught in the river anything like it but authorities are hoping the net may turn up another, in the meanwhile the fish is still alive and giving great wonder to scientists who have named it... yes its true.                                                   A RUSSELLS TROUT. Vest. Daily Gaggle.

Words on Wednesday

These words this week were supplied by "Elephants Child" and are. Sleeping, Burnt, Broken, Undercover, Swallows, Universe, Titled 'Childhood summers'.      * Sleeping out on warm English Summer nights required a little forethought.  A hot sun *burnt day quite often was followed by a shower or a good drenching of rain.      The small tent was erected on the grass strip (Lawn). which lay at the rear of the house, and the *Undercover of the eaves would provide some protection from any sudden downpour of rain. However, observing the stars in the *Universe would imply that rainfall would not occur on a cloudless night.       Having one's sleep *broken by unfamiliar sounds in the surrounds of the campsite would give young children a sense of fear making many a camp out a disaster.       Then it happened, A Tap Tap Tap on the canvas was heard; then another followed a continued tapping, nothing could be seen outside of the...

Words on Wednesday

Words supplied By E C. This week are the following.. Lever. Poison. Fragrance. Between. Immediate. Oven.  Titled  'Lovers Weed". with a final twist.       Using a long stick to *lever the *poison weeds from *between the hedgerow. Betty wore her gardening gloves to finally gather them and use them for the time honoured method of offloading unwanted husbands.      On returning home Betty was delighted with the *fragrance coming from the *oven,  the cake she had made from the weeds was bound to be tasty and gobbled up quickly due to it's must have more taste. But there was no *immediate rush.       A few days later, Betty and her Husband Fred were invited to dinner By Fred's boss and the father of Daisy, Fred's new love interest. The Dinner was plentiful and Bettys Boxed cake was given to Daisy who saved it for a forthcoming visit from Fred.       It was two days later when Daisy and Fred devoured the delic...

My New Car!

Yes it cost twice as much as a good used car, I went around the block today; very Quiet- no road vehicles were seen. It does not replace my 4 litre  Ford Falcon which I am not permitted to drive until the cataract in my left eye is also removed, about which time my restricted licence comes up for review, so taking no chances on the outcome. I have to get out and about. My eldest son Chris will drive the Falcon for the greater distances and large Shopping trips and I shall get out more for the least excuse and short shopping jaunts; although it is able to carry twice my weight, space for such is limited to approx 3 cubic ft. I suppose it will be more fun going out two or three times instead of one and not have any parking problems. Vest. Daily

Words on Wednesday

Words this week are; Reel, Grappled, Perfume, Courtroom, Squad, General. Together with her overpowering perfume, Madam Lamont alias the 'red sparrow', grappled with her tormentors while being dragged through the improvised courtroom to hear of her fate. Madam Lamont was seen to reel as the sentence was read by the grinning fascist General; Albert Shicklegruber, But not to be outdone the red Sparrow followed up with a most abusive tirade of venom toward her accusers as she finally fell limp from the volley of bullets from the awaiting firing squad. Vest Daily Gaggle. I have returned!
Together with her overpowering perfume, Madam Lamont alias the 'red sparrow', grappled with her tormentors while being dragged through the improvised courtroom to hear of her fate. Madam Lamont was seen to reel as the sentence was read by the grinning fascist General; Albert Shicklegruber, But not to be outdone the red Sparrow followed up with a most abusive tirade of venom toward her accusers as she finally fell limp from the volley of bullets from the awaiting firing squad. Vest Daily Gaggle.
Together with her overpowering perfume; Madam Lamont Alias the 'Red Sparrow' grappled with her tormenters while being dragged through the improvised courtroom to hear of her fate. Madam Lamont was seen to reel as the sentence was read by the grinning Fascist General Albert Shicklegruber, but she followed up with the most abusive tirade of venom toward her accusers as she finally fell limp from a volley of fire from the awaiting firing squad.  Origin  Vest daily Gaggle.