Words for Wednesday

Words this week are replaced by a picture of a river with what looks like a net draped from bank to bank. Below is my explanation.

The top picture is that of a net across the river ooze a tributary of the Rhine in Belgium Where a twelve-year-old boy named Russel was fishing recently and caught a strange unidentified green Coloured fish. the fish has had people worldwide flummoxed as nothing like it has been caught in the river anything like it but authorities are hoping the net may turn up another, in the meanwhile the fish is still alive and giving great wonder to scientists who have named it... yes its true.

Vest. Daily Gaggle.


Scientists are sadly lacking in imagination.
Great use of the image.
As a PS that netting encloses a children's swimming area in our lake. A swimming area which is (for the next few months) likely to be only used by birds.
Vest said…
Elephants Child. Skinny dippers in Canberra are a rare breed, particularly within the winter months.
Timothy Bowyer. said…
Happy anniversary Dad
Vest said…
Tim. Nice of you to remember. Thank you.
Susan Kane said…
This I will have to check out!
Elsie Hanlin. said…
A Russell's Trout, very funny :)
son of vest said…
Verily it would seem very few of your friends have connected to the riddle, The Brussels Sprout, the wee small green cabbage vegetable.
Ah HA! Now I get it. Verrry clever. :)
Vest said…
Elsie H . Glad you liked it. some are still a trifle confused.
Vest said…
Susan Flett Swiderski. And so eventually the penny dropped. Thanks for calling.
Vest said…
Susan Kane. I have read your War story too. Thanks for calling.
Dylan said…
Quite an honour for the boy!
Vest said…
Lee. The story was a complete Joke, A few missed the point. Clues were Capitol of Belgium plus Brussels Sprout. A wee small cabbage type vegetable.

DYLAN. Read. it is jocular, not serious.

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