Words for Wednesday.
Welcome. Expecting. Trigger. Essential. Taller. Moving.
A friend passing by during the evening told us he was in town. It was *essential we remained Alert,
We had been *expecting the un-*welcome *trigger happy guy to call on us after his release from prison. Much* taller than most men, his head was *moving above the bushes when I popped up my hat with the Floor mop above the window sill, It was then he was exposed when he fired and received my calling card, "Gotcha."
Vest Daily Gaggle.
A friend passing by during the evening told us he was in town. It was *essential we remained Alert,
We had been *expecting the un-*welcome *trigger happy guy to call on us after his release from prison. Much* taller than most men, his head was *moving above the bushes when I popped up my hat with the Floor mop above the window sill, It was then he was exposed when he fired and received my calling card, "Gotcha."
Vest Daily Gaggle.