Words on Wednesday

Words this week are; Reel, Grappled, Perfume, Courtroom, Squad, General.

Together with her overpowering perfume, Madam Lamont alias the 'red sparrow', grappled with her tormentors while being dragged through the improvised courtroom to hear of her fate. Madam Lamont was seen to reel as the sentence was read by the grinning fascist General; Albert Shicklegruber, But not to be outdone the red Sparrow followed up with a most abusive tirade of venom toward her accusers as she finally fell limp from the volley of bullets from the awaiting firing squad.

Vest Daily Gaggle. I have returned!


You have indeed. With a bang.
Welcome back.
Vest said…
E C. It is a well-known way to draw attention. A few fireworks.
Cathy said…
Gosh - she came to a fiery end didn't she.
Good to see you back Vest

Now to get you fighting fit and raring to go!


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Vest said…
CATHY. I have visited your blog a few minutes ago, still cannot post a comment. Does not wish to Know Me. However to reply to your craft work. It is only a Small imperfection. In any case What lies beyond Perfection?.

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