
Showing posts from July, 2019


      YesterdayI was told by my good neighbour; that her husband Spiros, a Mediterranean gentleman had passed away Aged  86. Much sadness.        It was also my only sisters birthday who would have been 91 but sadly departed this world 20 years in the past. Also, yesterday number one son Chris and I did a big grocery shop at Aldi which made other shoppers eyes pop, the bill came to 345 dollars, Just things we had run out of., it was exhausting packing it away at home.      Today !6-7-69 marks the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon shot departed 2100hrs BST and arriving on my Mothers birthday 21st July BST. On arrival, it was discovered that a COW had already jumped over the moon.     TodayJuly 16 is the anniversary of the Muslim calendar which commenced in the year of our Lord 622 when Mohammad fled from Mecca to Medina, should he have missed his flight the world may be a better place today.     Also today...

A family member has provided me with a selection of words to keep me busy

Agents. Police. Several. People. Travelling. Tailors. My Story Goes.                           A ten-ton truck travelling a ton up along the Taunton to Tiverton trunk road was stopped by police for speeding. a policeman asked him why?. and he replied, "Terrible Tiverton tummy is taking hold in Tiverton. Thousands traumatised, I am taking ten tons of toilet tissues to the Tiverton toilet tissue tsars- Timothy-Twaite &Tailors who are oursole Agents. Groan away. Vest Daily Gaggle.

While waiting for words this week to appear. a family member provided me with six to play along with. ROAD. POLICE. FAT. MOOR.FLASHED. LEAN. The Lightning Flashed and the Thunder Clashed and loud the Police did roar, chasing two bedraggled criminals across the foggy Moor One was a lean and lanky man whose face spelt pimples and failure,, The other man a big fat guy. who had a couple of wives in Australia. I did not sleep to well last night, Up early and I have prepared Dinner for today had breakfast and fed the moggies. and I am now waiting for words to appea5r on Elephants child Blog. Vest Daily Gaggle.ests

While waiting for words this week to appear. a family member provided me with six to play along with. ROAD. POLICE. FAT. MOOR.FLASHED. LEAN. The Lightning Flashed and the Thunder Clashed and loud the Police did roar, chasing two bedraggled criminals across the foggy Moor One was a lean and lanky man whose face spelt pimples and failure,, The other man a big fat guy. who had a couple of wives in Australia. I did not sleep to well last night, Up early and I have prepared Dinner for today had breakfast and fed the moggies. and I am now waiting for words to appea5r on Elephants child Blog. Vest Daily Gaggle.ests words for this tuesday