A family member has provided me with a selection of words to keep me busy

Agents. Police. Several. People. Travelling. Tailors.

My Story Goes.

                          A ten-ton truck travelling a ton up along the Taunton to Tiverton trunk road was stopped by police for speeding. a policeman asked him why?. and he replied,
"Terrible Tiverton tummy is taking hold in Tiverton. Thousands traumatised, I am taking ten tons of toilet tissues to the Tiverton toilet tissue tsars- Timothy-Twaite &Tailors who are oursole Agents.

Groan away. Vest Daily Gaggle.


Anonymous said…
Our sole agents.......very good.
Groaning, but smiling too. Thanks to you, and the family member.
Lee said…
Hahahahaha! Can I have what you're having, Vest? :)
Elsie Hanlin. said…
That's very clever
Dylan said…
Fun little tongue twister!

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