A family member has provided me with a selection of words to keep me busy
Agents. Police. Several. People. Travelling. Tailors.
My Story Goes.
A ten-ton truck travelling a ton up along the Taunton to Tiverton trunk road was stopped by police for speeding. a policeman asked him why?. and he replied,
"Terrible Tiverton tummy is taking hold in Tiverton. Thousands traumatised, I am taking ten tons of toilet tissues to the Tiverton toilet tissue tsars- Timothy-Twaite &Tailors who are oursole Agents.
Groan away. Vest Daily Gaggle.
My Story Goes.
A ten-ton truck travelling a ton up along the Taunton to Tiverton trunk road was stopped by police for speeding. a policeman asked him why?. and he replied,
"Terrible Tiverton tummy is taking hold in Tiverton. Thousands traumatised, I am taking ten tons of toilet tissues to the Tiverton toilet tissue tsars- Timothy-Twaite &Tailors who are oursole Agents.
Groan away. Vest Daily Gaggle.