I have a daily newspaper delivered.

I was up early one morning to witness the delivery of my newspaper which was thrown willy nilly into the front garden from a vehicle. In theory, the delivery is scheduled to be at your door, however, it could land on your garden - driveway fish pond or anywhere it can become wet and soggy and partially unreadable when it has come in contact with rainfall or the neighbour's dog.
Most of the news lately is centred on the present pandemic followed by that of Middle Eastern crime celebs, drugs murder arson and serious road accidents. However, the subject which hits the front and rear pages and is of little or no importance to most readers particularly myself are blazing reports on Thugby League which has been defunct for the past two months  Yet it absorbs 20% of my newspapers content. the inane crap voiced by sportswriters and those of ugly overweight tattooed muttonheads who complain about the loss of income plus whining stories from dim-witted followers of this stupid so-called sport.
 The racing Guide is another waste of space with yet another 10-15 % of unreadable gobbledygook. I suppose it only fair to say despite my opinion that even the boneheads of society keep bread on the tables of equally boneheaded sportswriters.
My main interests are the crosswords, which would tax the brains of most sportswriters. Oh yes, I do like the History page, I have a vast knowledge of history.

Vest Daily Gaggle.


Anonymous said…
A newspaper. How interesting. When I visit my mother at my brother's place on Thursday, I spend a couple of hours trying to extract the newspaper from its plastic wrap, but then there is no time left to read it. Racing guides, Thugby reports and AFL news should be in a separate edition.
Chris B said…
Just so you and your readers are aware. While you were away in hospital, I decided to look into what to do about soggy newspapers. Of course, it's mind-boggling that with all the technological changes over the years they still cling wrap them and leave the ends exposed to soak up water. Not to mention the frustration caused trying to find where to start unwrapping them. Anyway, the newspaper people probably do nothing because most people can't be bothered or don't know how to complain. But in the case of the Daily Telegraph, it's easy and only takes a minute. Just go to https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/ > Login > My Account > Report a delivery issue > Enter your delivery issue (by selecting the particular subscription, date of issue and type of problem) > Submit.

They will then reimburse you, and if you and others do this all the time, they will most likely fix the issue - or not.
We also get the local paper delivered. Even my clumsy self has become adept at unwrapping it - and sometimes drying it in the oven.
There is quite a lot of the paper I would happily discard. Sport definitely falls into that category.
Elsie Hanlin. said…
Our delivered newspapers come sealed in plastic, so where they land isn't an issue. I used to get my Sunday paper delivered so I wouldn't have to wait for the shops to open at 11am, but many times it just didn't arrive, so I cancelled it and now a neighbour who likes to go for dawn walks, gets me the paper from the local servo and leaves it in the cupboard on my front porch. I hate all the racing pages and since they are the centre of the paper I just lift them out and toss them aside, sports is relegated to the back pages so once I pass the centre I ignore the rest of the paper, just keep the comics and puzzles pages to do after the housework is done.
Joanne Sanders said…
Oh I’m with you 100% when it comes to Thugby League… LOLOLOLOL 
Vest said…
Andrew. I agree with you entirely.
Vest said…
Chris B. Being you are my carer and a smart ass.I'll allow you to deal with such matters as complaints, your aptitude for whinging is second to none
Vest said…
EC. More than half of the contents of today's Sunday paper went straight into the Bin.
Vest said…
Elsie Hanlin. It seems that you have your newspaper deliveries covered, but no fiddly unwrapping.
Vest said…
Joanne Sanders. What a complete surprise it was to receive your comment, Where have you been hiding? please call again.
Lee said…
Hi Vest...I have the papers delivered on Saturday and Sunday (they are rolled in clingwrap)...and I always buy a couple each time I go out. I love reading the papers...hard copy. I enjoy taking my time over said reading...leisurely time spent. And I do enjoy doing the crossword puzzles, too...and other puzzles therein.

Take care. :)
Vest said…
Lee. This morning it is dry outside. My son will attempt to complete the X words and there will be no hassle involving soggy pages. I do on occasion have to complete the too hard words. You take care also.:)
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