A new era for the 'The Daily Gaggle'.
Yes,it has happened. My senior Son Christoper has convinced me - mind you under severe pressure that is - that I should have a Facebook Account. This is apparently due to enormity of replies from my own plus his frequently published Face book pages. However, how I shall cope means that I shall have to employ him as a defacto (Dorothy Proops) to reply to the Multitude of mail expected. "What" - do not Know of Good old Dorothy? She must be on google somewhere. Despite being isolated, yesterday proved that togetherness can be achieved through other means like telecommunications and the like ( and you you dont to shower and dress plus travel to be with those who are dear to you, I quite often enjoy a one sided chat with my dear departed Rosemary - a secluded place of my home- followed by tears of remembrance.
I would like very much to say THANK YOU, for the Numerous gifts - cards and calls to all of those concerned and to scores of Face book callers from all parts of the World. At the moment I am too tired to write more. See you soon. Grand Pa Les circa 1926 95....
Vest Daily Gaggle.
I am a FB holdout - but have fun.